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Newsletter #42
April 2024

Hey, All.

Hope each of you is safe and healthy.


This month, I have four topics concerning the Devil Troop, RMG templates, HoMM3 factions, and the second part of three HoMM3 Recollections relating to E3 in 1998.


Until next time.




Fanstratics Game Director & Designer







Fanstratics Troop: Devil


Considered forsaken, Devils are notable for their inhuman appearance and absent wings.  Without restriction, these fallen Angels can teleport about the Battlefield, and reappear in an explosion of fire and brimstone.  Following this preliminary Assault, Devils can execute a primary Assault, utilizing a pair of one-handed scythes.  If their arrival wasn’t enough to rouse fear in their enemies, Devils can also ‘damn’ their targets to a death beyond the reach of Resurrection.


This was one of our more unusual concepts.  In typical fashion, I gave Justin a description, and he delivered four thumbnails.  Upon picking one, Justin delivered a rough, different from the thumbnail.  I wrote back and asked Justin why the rough was unlike the thumbnail.  He admitted he got carried away.  After another rough, he nailed it.


For those who want to see Justin create the drawing, check out a VOD from his Twitch stream.




Fanstratics Question:  Do you plan to add a "template editor" into Fanstratics?  (If you are not aware what it does in H3.  You create template based on values, zones, strength of monsters.  Select what can spawn, how many objects etc etc.  And after game generate map out of that which you can play.  So every map generated like that is completely new one.)


I’m quite familiar with the Random Map Generator (RMG) templates for HoMM3, as I created the original batch in MS Excel.  Keep in mind, what is presently being done in the community is light years beyond what I did back in 1999.


As for the present, I am focused on my health, and when I am able to work... PvE functionality.  Eventually, I’ll get around to PvP and the RMG, which will be a significant undertaking.  I strongly suspect, as part of this effort, there will be an RMG ‘template editor’ of some sort.




HoMM3 Question:  When talking factions you mention a very loose concept of a Clockwork faction being pitched.  Was this after the cancellation of Forge, or was it supposed to coexist with Forge?


Originally, the idea of a Clockwork faction was proposed by Jennifer Bullard, and came on the heels of the Forge's cancellation.  It was never intended to coexist with the Forge.  It was a good idea, but I shot it down, for a couple of reasons.  First, I had lost all confidence in NWC’s artists to render anything other than fantasy.  Second, I wasn’t sure the faction would fly, as it would be created in the shadow of the Forge.  Third, plans to move ahead with the ‘Conflux’ were already approved and in motion.




HoMM3 Recollection: E3 1998 (part 2 of 3)


On Wednesday, May 27th, we were scheduled to take the first flight out of Burbank Airport around 7 AM.  To meet this departure time, I had to be at the airport and through security by 6 AM.  Considering typical Los Angeles traffic, I needed to leave my apartment around 4:30 AM.  So, after a full day of work at New World Computing (NWC), I prepared the night before.  My goal was to wake at 3:30 AM, clean up, be in my car, and be on the road by 4:30 AM.  Was I receiving any additional compensation for this extra work and effort?  Nope.


After grinding my way through typical Los Angeles traffic (yes, it was terrible in the early morning hours), I arrived at Burbank Airport, and opted for the valet service.  I figured, at the very least, I could expense the cost of the valet, excluding the tip.


After being processed by security inside the airport, I arrived at the departure gate.  If I remember correctly, Ben Bent was already there.

Eventually, the remainder of our group assembled: Mark Caldwell and Scott McDanielJon Van Caneghem (JVC) was flying out separately and would be at E3 for Day 1 of the show.  As for Keith Francart, I don't recall specifically, but I believe he also took a separate flight, and would be there on the morning of the first day.


After boarding, and a roughly six-hour flight, we touched down at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport at 4 PM (accounting for the three-hour time difference).  Taking a taxi from the airport, we drove directly to the Georgia World Congress Center.


I don’t recall exactly where and when Mark gave us the logistics for 3DO’s spot within the convention center, but it went something like this.


Mark, “We’re not on the ‘floor’.”


Both Ben and I immediately needed clarification.


Mark, "Trip’s reserved a room on the far side of the convention center.  I know.  It sounds bad, but there is an upside.  It’s going to be invite-only, thus... making it 'exclusive’.”


I rolled my eyes.  From my previous E3 experience, I knew having an 'exclusive room' on the floor was possible.  So, this rationalization didn’t wash with me.  I suspected 3DO was being cheap.


Mark, chuckling, “Hey, it could work.  It’ll have an air of being special.  Besides, being off the floor means we can serve alcohol.”


I must admit, there was something to the alcohol thing.  Plenty of people would accept the invitation, and make the journey, just for a couple of free drinks.


Upon arriving at the Georgia World Congress Center, we headed inside, carrying our luggage.  Much of the building was buzzing with activity.  Large windows overlooking the convention center floor allowed us to see various publishers and developers, in their designated areas, setting up their booths.  We, however, were not going to the floor.  Instead, we continued walking down the large hallway, to the near end of the convention center.  There, we found 3DO’s ‘room’.  Walking inside, we found the room was well populated, and numerous people were setting up 3DO’s kiosks.


To my surprise, the kiosks were very nice... and well... not cheap.  They were newly designed and solidly built.  With a brushed aluminum frame, each kiosk was interlocked with the next, and decorated with large, colored, laminated, particle boards.


Mark pointed to a spot off to the side, "Just put your luggage here."

Scott then barked toward someone I didn’t recognize, “Where are the shirts?”

Mark, looking about, found and opened a large, tan, cardboard box, near our luggage, "Here they are."


Both Mark and Scott began pulling short-sleeved, black polo shirts from the box.  Each shirt had white rings on the cuffs, and a white 3DO logo was embroidered on the breast pocket.  It was kind of basic, but not bad.


Mark turned to Ben and I, “What size do you wear?”

Ben, “Large.”

Me, “Extra large.”

Scott, checking the shirt tags, “I got two larges here.”


Mark reached deep down into the box, and dredged up a handful of shirts.


He quickly glanced at the tags, “Ah.  Extra-large.”


Mark gave me two shirts, then fished out another.  Scott handed three shirts to Ben.


Scott, “One shirt for each day.”


These shirts were effectively our convention ‘uniforms’.  Ben and I unfolded our shirts and held them up to our torsos.  We were both lanky and were more concerned with the length, not the circumference.


Me, holding my shirts, “What do you want me to do with them now?”

Scott, “Just put them with your luggage.”


Ben and I laid down and opened our luggage.  It was a tight fit, but we managed to cram the extra shirts inside.  As I closed my bag, I remember thinking, ‘I hope the hotel room has an iron and ironing board’.  I didn’t want to present the game, looking like I had slept in my clothes.  Mark and Scott, seeing what Ben and I had done, silently acknowledged its merit and proceeded to do the same.


With our shirts squared away, the four of us stood there for a moment in silence, looking at one another.  I honestly didn't know why we were there and was immediately bored.


I asked Mark, “What now?”

Mark looked about the room, seemingly unsure what to do next, “Uh...”


He then spotted several boxes stacked in the center of the room.  Each box was white, with black spots reminiscent of a Holstein cow.  On each box was a green logo reading... ‘Gateway’.


Anyone who lived through the 1990s would immediately recognize these boxes.  They contained Gateway Computers, which were new in the box, and freshly shipped to the convention center.


Stepping to the boxes, Mark pulled his car keys from his front jeans pocket and used them to tear open the taped seams.  Peeling back the box flaps, he exposed a tower system with a mouse and keyboard.  Scott tore open a couple of other boxes, finding speakers and, thankfully, a 17" monitor.


Scott, “Looks like it’s all here.  One full system for each game.”

Mark, pointing to the boxes, “We need to set these up and put software on each.”

Me, “I assume you have the software?”

Mark quickly searched his briefcase, pulled forth a couple of CDs, and handed them to me, “There’s others.  I’ll get those.”

Me, looking about the room, “Where to do the computers go?”

Mark pointed to collection of ‘empty’ kiosks along the room’s west wall, “There.”

Me, "Okay.  I'll set up the computers."

Mark, "Oh, we're also connected to the Internet.   We need it for Merdian 59.  So, we have network hubs and cables somewhere.  You can use them to download the latest Windows updates and drivers.”

Me, turning to Ben, holding out the CDs, "How about I set up the hardware, you set up the software?"

Ben, smiling, accepting the CDs, “Sounds good to me.”


For the first time today, I suddenly felt like I was part of E3.  I have to admit... it was nice.


With our task before us, Ben and I set all the computer boxes on the floor, and grouped the containers according to their contents: towers, monitors, and peripherals.  Using our car keys, we tore open the tape sealing each box, and exposed the contents.  Starting with the easy stuff, we loosely placed the monitors, audio speakers, keyboards, mice, and mousepads.  If there was any real difficulty in setting up the computers, it arrived when it was time to place the computer towers.


Me, calling to Mark, "Where do I put the towers?  On the floor?  In front?"

Mark, “I think they go behind.  Look in the back.”


Mark and I walked to the end of ‘our’ line of assembled kiosks.  Together, we looked down the row and saw behind each kiosk, just above the floor, a small shelf.


Mark, “Yeah.  On those shelves.”

Me, “Okay.  I see it.”

Mark, pointing to the far kiosk, “Oh, by the way.  The very first one, on the far end, is where you put the computer for Requiem.  It’s in a different box.”


Mark was talking specifically about ‘Requiem: Avenging Angel’.  I’d heard of the game and seen previews in various PC gaming magazines.  Made by Cyclone Studios using a custom-built, in-house game engine, it was 3DO's initial push into the 3D first-person shooter market.


Me, turning to Mark, “Where’s the box?”

Mark, “Uh... I don’t know.  I’ll find out.”


As Mark departed, I grabbed the first computer tower (they were all the same spec) and pushed in the power cable.  Hoisting up the computer tower, I walked to the rear of the kiosk row, and looked down the narrow passage I would need to navigate.  With each kiosk being secured to the next, the line was one monolithic structure... and it couldn’t be moved.  This made the space between the room wall and the back of each kiosk roughly two feet.  Considering my size and what I needed to do, there was scant space to work.


I considered asking Ben to do it, as he was smaller, but I’d already declared I would handle the hardware.  I felt it was my responsibility.  Purposely holding the front of the computer tower away from me, I turned my shoulders sideways and proceeded to inch along the wall.


Little by little, I shuffled my way down the kiosk line.  Eventually, I made it to the second kiosk, adjacent to the spot for the eventual computer for Requiem.  This was where I would demonstrate Heroes3.


Gently setting the computer down on the narrow shelf, I squatted, feeling for the power cable.  Upon finding it, I squatted lower and plugged the system into a power strip on the floor.  Next, I grabbed the dangling video cable, already attached to the Monitor, and blindly used my fingers to feel around for the matching port.  After a couple of attempts, I got properly inserted.


Me, calling to Ben, who was waiting on the other side of the kiosk, “Ben?”

Ben, muffled, “Yep.  I’m here.”

Me, “Go ahead and push through the other cables.”


One after the other, squeezed behind the kiosk and wall, I connected the Keyboard, Mouse, and Speakers.  Once everything was connected, I powered on the computer.


Me, after waiting a couple of minutes, “Can you see the desktop?”

Ben, “Yep.”

Me, “Ugh.  I forgot the disc.  Can you slip it underneath, on the floor?”

Ben, “Sure.”


After a moment, I looked down and saw Ben push the install disc for the Heroes3 E3 demo under the kiosk.  Crouching as low as I could, I grabbed the disc and strained to straighten up.  Reaching over the computer, I felt for and pressed the eject button to open the CD-ROM tray.  Next, I carefully dropped the Heroes3 CD-ROM onto the open tray and pressed the eject button a second time.


Me, after hearing the disc spin up, “Okay.  The disc should be loaded.”

Ben, “Yep.  I got it.  Installing now.”


Slowly, I backed my way out from behind the line of kiosks.  It was refreshing to be back in an open area.  At this point, Mark walked over to me.


Mark, pointing to a large, dirty, brown cardboard box, "See that box there.  The dirty brown one.  That's the computer for Requiem."

Me, “Okay.  I’ll do it now.”


And so it went, painfully setting up one system after another for Requiem, Might and Magic 6, Vegas Games, and Meridian 59.  Along the way, Ben and I made obvious adjustments to streamline the process, but it still took time.  Me carrying each computer, shuffling along the back, hooking up each cable by feel, inserting each CD-ROM... it all proved to be far more physically draining than I’d expected.  When we finished, I was spent.


Me, checking with Ben, “Everything working?”

Ben, "I still have to set up Meridian 59, and Requiem isn’t working.”

Me, “Requiem isn’t working?”

Ben, “When I run the executable, it gives me an error.”

Me, “What’s the error?”

Ben, “I don’t remember.  Check it out for yourself.”


Walking to the Requiem computer, I saw a shortcut on the desktop to start the game.   I double-clicked it, and sure enough, there was an error.  Thinking back, I don’t remember the specific error, but I recall it being very cryptic.  Looking around the room for Mark, I caught his attention and motioned for him to visit me.


Mark, stepping to the Requiem kiosk, “Problem?”

I started Requiem and pointed to the displayed error, “I have no idea what this error means.”

Mark, thinking quickly, “I’ll call Cyclone.”


Walking off, Mark reached into his pocket and fished out his Motorola StarTAC cellular phone.  At this point in history, mobile phones were starting to become affordable.  I didn’t have one, but JVC, Mark, and Peter Ryu quickly jumped on this particular tech trend.


With Mark off, attempting to reach Cyclone, I went to the Heroes3 kiosk.  Ben had arranged two stools for each kiosk, one for the presenter and one for the attending viewer.  Sitting in my 'presenter' seat, I started the Heroes3 demo.  In my head, I recited my rehearsed presentation while going through the associated physical motions.  I still remembered everything without a hitch.  To be safe, I went through it again.


As I was stalled, waiting for Mark, I started Netscape, which Ben had installed on the system.  Browsing the web, I caught up on the day’s video game news, which was dominated by E3.  Then, Mark reappeared.


Mark, pushing his mobile phone to my head, "It's ringing."

Me, grabbing the phone, listening to the ringing, “Who?”

Mark, “Cyclone.”


Mark hadn't called Cyclone and found the appropriate person.  Instead, he'd acquired Cyclone's phone number, called them, and handed the phone to me.


Cyclone, “Cyclone Studios.  How may I direct your call?”

Me, “Uh... Hi.  I’m calling from the 3DO booth at E3.  I’m setting up the computer for Requiem, and I’m getting an error when I start the game.  Is there someone I could talk to?”

Cyclone, “Uh... well... hold on.”


I was put on hold.  Getting up from the Heroes3 kiosk, I walked over to the Requiem kiosk and sat down.  After a few minutes, I heard a new voice on the line.


Cyclone, “Hello?”

Me, “Hi.”

Cyclone, “I was told you’re at E3, and you’re setting up the computer for Requiem?”

Me, “Yes.  The computer’s all good-to-go, and Requiem’s installed, but when I start the game, I get an error.”

Cyclone, “Can you tell me the error?”


I started the game, viewed the displayed error, and relayed it over the phone.


Cyclone, “It’s a driver issue.  The computer has two 3dfx cards running in SLI.  You need the latest Voodoo2 drivers.”

Me, “Oh.  Okay.  I’ve got internet access, just stay with me while I download the drivers.”


For those who don’t understand, at this stage in computer gaming, 2D and 3D graphics were separate.  One video card handled 2D graphics, with at least one other additional card for 3D ‘acceleration’.  Of the available manufacturers, 3dfx was the current king of the hill, and one of the features of the new Voodoo2 card, was pairing up two for increased performance.  Using this configuration, one Voodoo2 card would draw one half of the computer screen, while the other Voodoo2 card would draw the other half.  On top of this, there were two flavors of Voodoo2.  One had 8MB of RAM for $249 (~$475 today), and a second higher-end version had 12MB of RAM for $299 (~$570 today).  It was expensive, as you might imagine, but this produced very high frame rates at resolutions greater than 320x200 (i.e., 640x480, 800x600, or 1024x768).  If I recall, Cyclone's Requiem machine had two 12MB cards.  So, in 2024 dollars, someone had installed roughly $1,140 worth of 3D video cards.


As I waited for the drivers to download, the nameless stranger on the other end of the phone line attempted to fill the awkward silence.


Cyclone, “So... uh... you’re with 3DO?”

Me, chuckling, “No.  I’m with New World Computing.”

Cyclone, “Oh.  Okay.”

Me, “I’m working on Heroes of Might and Magic 3.”

Cyclone, “Oh.  Okay.”

Me, “Got the drivers.  Give me a second to install.”

Cyclone, “Sure.”

Me, “Okay.  Starting Requiem.”


I crossed my fingers, in my head, as I double-clicked the Requiem shortcut.  Almost immediately, the 3dfx logo appeared, meaning the 3D cards and drivers were working.  Following the logos for 3DO and Cyclone, I was greeted by a very stylized Main Menu.  I could have declared victory, but the game tester in me wanted to see the actual game running as intended.


Me, “I’m at the Main Menu.  Should I just start the single-player game?"

Cyclone, “No.  There should be a couple of saved games.  Just load the first one.”

Me, navigating to the list of saved Single Player games, “Got it.  One sec.”


Upon loading, the game began with the main character ‘teleporting’ into a city environment.  I looked and moved about, confirming the mouse look and movement keys were functional.  Pressing the left mouse button caused the character to fire from his hand, a tiny projectile of ball lightning.


Me, “It’s working.  I’m looking about... moving... shooting.  Is there anything you want me to do before I call it good?”

Cyclone, “Not that I can think of.”

Me, “Okay.  Thanks for your help.”

Cyclone, “You’re welcome.  Goodbye.”

Me, “Bye.”


Pulling the phone away from my head, I realized I didn’t know how to ‘hang up’.  I’d used a cellular ‘bag phone’ on previous occasions, so I was familiar with the SND and END buttons, but I wasn't sure how to conclude the call.  Looking about for Mark, I walked toward him, holding out his phone.


Me, “How do you hang up this thing?”


Mark took the phone from me, looked at it briefly, then pointed to and pressed the END button.


Mark, “Just press the END button.”

Me, looking back at the computers Ben and I had assembled and configured, “The Cyclone computer is set up.  I think all the others are ready.”

Mark, “Good.  We’re heading out to dinner.  So, turn them all off.”

Me, “Okay.”


Returning to the kiosks, I passed Ben, who was sitting on his presenter stool, playing Vegas Games 2000.


Me, “We’re heading out for dinner.  I’m going to turn off all the machines.”

Ben, “Good.  I’m hungry.”

Me, “I’ll get the towers.  Can you turn off the monitors?”

Ben, “Sure.”


As I'd done, numerous times, I wedged myself between the room wall and the back of the kiosk line.  Shuffling to the end, I blindly turned off the Requiem machine, then HoMM3, then Might and Magic 6, and Vegas Game 2000.  When I emerged from behind the kiosks, Mark, Scott, and Ben were waiting for me.


Together, we departed from the Convention center, and took a taxi to our motel.  Not a nice hotel... but a cheap motel.  In the parking lot, we exited the car.  Mark paid the driver as I looked over the building where we would sleep for the next few nights.  Scott darted off, into the motel lobby.  All the motel’s room doors were facing the very loud, bustling street.


Scott returned and handed room keycards to Ben and I, “You two are paired up.  Mark and I have the other room.  Drop off your luggage.  We’re going to dinner at some special fish market in 'Buckhead'.”

Me, “Buckhead?”

Scott, “Yeah, Buckhead.”


I had no idea what ‘Buckhead’ was, but apparently, it was an upper-class residential district in North Atlanta.


Quickly, Ben and I found our room, and ventured inside.  It was old, like the motel.  Inside, we found two beds with flashy covers and a small color television.


Looking around the room, I turned to Ben, "Which bed do you want?”

Ben chuckling, “Neither.  They both look bad.”

I stepped to the far bed and dropped my luggage on top, “I’ll take this one.”


Returning outside, we found Mark and Scott standing next to the same taxi we had used to reach the motel.  Mark had convinced the same driver to wait and take us to our next destination... the Atlanta Fish Market (which is still operating today).


When we arrived, I gotta admit, it looked like a nice place.  Outside, on the front corner of the restaurant, was a towering copper fish statue.  Inside, we met up with four other people from 3DO (it may have been five or six).  It was only a short time before we were seated, so I assume someone had made reservations.


This place was definitely upscale, and it was packed.  On some level, it made up for the low-rent motel room.


Sitting down to a long rectangular table, Ben sat to my left, Scott to my right, and Mark to Scott’s right.  To Ben’s left were the other 3DO people I didn’t recognize.  Immediately, I noticed I was the youngest person in the group, by at least ten years, and I must admit, it made me feel out of place.


One by one, a waitress handed each of us a menu and took our drink orders.  Scanning my culinary choices, I realized how hungry I'd become.  I had skipped breakfast, and my lunch was a small bread-centric 'meal' given to us on the flight.  Since then, to stifle my appetite, I had downed a steady stream of free soda pop.


Ben, looking up from his menu, scanned the table and spoke to Mark, “No Trip?”

Mark, smiling big with a chuckle, “Do you honestly think Trip would have dinner with us lowly plebs?”

Scott laughed and answered Ben's question, "He's having dinner with some other industry folk.  Networking stuff.”

Mark pointed to the older gentleman, a couple of seats to my left, "At least Jamie joined us.”


I had yet to learn who ‘Jamie’ was; only later would I discover he was James Cook.  Jamie was a lawyer who started at Atari in 1981, and was now 3DO’s top legal counsel in 1998.


Our Waitress returned with our drinks and immediately began taking food orders.  However, there was one problem.  I hadn’t yet found something to eat, and I was undergoing something of a dilemma.


This was a fish market, and well... I’m not big on fish.  Steak was available, but it didn’t seem right getting steak at a seafood place.  With the Waitress steadily making her way toward me, I examined the menu repeatedly, looking for something to eat... anything.


Maine lobster was tempting, but a giant board across the restaurant displayed the current market price.  It was something like $56, or $106 in today’s money.  So... yeah... it was off the table.


As the Waitress took Ben’s order, I finally spotted something, and not a moment too soon.


Me, addressing the Waitress, “I’ll have the Lightly Fried Jumbo Florida Shrimp.”


Suddenly, everyone looked at me... and I had no idea why.  Had I committed some sort of culinary sin?  Was ordering shrimp at a fish market a low-brow choice?  Was I supposed to get fish like everyone else?  Perhaps it was the reverse?  Did they suddenly envy what I ordered?  I had no idea why my diner choice elicited such a response, but it didn’t matter.  I was hungry, I was having shrimp, and ultimately... it was excellent.


As for the remainder of dinner, I would describe it as 'uneventful'... until the bill arrived.  Mark was the initial recipient, but he handed the slip of paper to Scott, and pointed to Jamie.  Scott then gave me the bill, motioning for me to hand it down the line.  So, it went, until the receipt arrived in Jamie's hands.


Being the 'top dog' at the table, Jamie knew he couldn't pass the check on to someone else.  He then shifted his weight, and reached into his rear pants pocket for his wallet.  As Jamie did this, chuckles and laughs rippled throughout the group.  He was stuck with the bill, but deep down, we knew he would expense the dinner to 3DO.


After waiting outside the restaurant, for almost an hour, we finally got yet another taxi to return us to our hotel rooms.  Upon arriving, we exited our cab.


Mark, exasperated, “Well, that’s enough of that.  I’m renting a car tomorrow.”

Ben, “So, we’re taking a car to the show tomorrow?”

Mark, thinking, pointing to Ben and myself, “Uh... no.  You two are taking the convention bus.  It’ll be here tomorrow at 9 AM.  I’ll get the car later.”


Separating, we grouped up and sauntered off.


Once inside our room, Ben and I took turns using the bathroom to change into our night clothes, which were nothing more than gym shorts and t-shirts.  Ben settled into his bed, turned on the television, and surfed the channels before stopping at a boxing match.  I was relieved to find an iron and ironing board.


Ben, “There something specific you want to watch?”

Me, tired, “Nah.  I’m going to iron my shirts, then call it.  Do you want me to leave the board out?”

Ben, “No.  Go ahead and put it away.”


After setting up the ironing board, I did my best to remove the wrinkles from each of my 3DO shirts.  Next, using the few hangers provided by the motel, I hung all three.  To finish, I set out my shoes, socks, boxers, belt, and pants.  Everything was ready for tomorrow.


Climbing into bed, I pulled up the covers, rolled over, and put my back on the television.  Ben continued watching his boxing match but, thankfully, turned down the volume.


As I laid there, I ran through my presentation, yet again, in my head.   Was I nervous?  Somewhat.


In 1998, trustworthy avenues for accumulating and measuring feedback were few.  It was nearly impossible to know, beyond all doubt, if anyone was interested in the game you were developing.


Tomorrow, Day 1 of E3, would be the first real test. 


Tomorrow, I would know if anyone was interested in our little 2D fantasy-driven turn-based strategy game.


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